Friday, 23 December 2011



Attention to all member of ROBOCON, please inform us if you have any problems, plans or anyting about our LIDV which will start on 16/1/2012. If you plan to go home early because you finished early, please come back on 16/1/2012. Or if you have other plan, PLEASE inform us first through Email or sms to your our PM,which is bro. Hadzir.

Anybody who does not have valid reason but does not come on time(16/1/2012), we will consider that you don't want to participate in ROBOCON.

Another reminder is that please join the IIUM ROBOTEAM II, not IIUM ROBOTEAM WORKSHOP in FB, because the workshop group was supposed to be used while he have workshop, which is already finished,meaning that it will not be used again until next time.

Thanks you.

Sunday, 18 December 2011


Attention to all member of Robocon IIUM, we will start our LIDV(Live in During Vacation) on 16/1/2012. This mean that all of you will stay at your own respective mahallah during the LIDV. We will do the work about 2 weeks,and if everything go well, we will have the last week for vacation. Otherwise, we will use all 3 weeks to complete our robot.

For those who fiinish early, you can either rest at your home until 16/1/12, or if you want to start building your robot, you may do so but please inform us first if you intend to do that.

Anybody who have problem regarding the LIDV can email or sms any of us, but please inform us as fast as possible.

Anybody who does not have valid reason but does not come on time(16/1/2012), we will consider that you don't want to participate in ROBOCON.

1)Please send your: full name,matrix no,your mahallah, your room number and your current group(not your preference) either manual/auto/collector to us using email as soon as possible. Please notify your friends who join ROBOCON competition to do the same.
2)please add the group "IIUM ROBOTEAM II" in facebook. It will be easier for us to keep in touch with all of you. Just search for the group.

Thank you for reading. Hope you will inform us.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

1st meeting FOR ROBOCON Member


To all students who are are choosen to be part of IIUM Roboteam to enter Robocon competition,you are required to attend the first meeting. The meeting will be held at 8 45pm,at Robo lab. If possible,please bring along your laptop and stationaries. Please inform us if you have any problem regarding the meeting.Thank you.

Friday, 16 December 2011


A little Introduction to Robocon

The Asia-Pacific Robot Contest (ABU Robocon) is an Asian Oceanian College robot competition, founded in 2002 by Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union. In the competition robots compete to complete a task within a set period of time. The contest aims to create friendship among young people with similar interests who will lead their countries in the 21st century, as well as help advance engineering and broadcasting technologies in the region. The event is broadcast in many countries through ABU member broadcasters.

Each year the competition has different topics, but generally speaking three or more robots must be used to complete the tasks. The best robots usually weight more than 10kg and span in one square meter area. To build the robots, contestants, who are restricted to be undergraduate students, must possess rich knowledge in programming, mechanical design and electronic circuit design.

This year theme is based on a fesival at Hong Kong. In the game, robots will be the bun-snatchers. They will travel through the Tunnel, cross the Bridge and land the Island where the Bun Tower locates. They have to snatch the “Peng On Bun” in order to achieve “Peng On Dai Gat” .

1)For futher information about Robocon competition this year,you can refer to the official page here.
2)To see the video,please click here.

For those who have been accepted to join the iium roboteam,please email ur answer,ur full name,martix no,phone,email and your preferrence, meaning you have to list what is your first choice,second choice,and third choice.
For example:
1)manual(the robot which people control)
2)auto(the robot which carry another robot in the video)
3)collector(note that the collector is the robot which look like a bun in the video)

Noted that the sms you have received is for you only,not for your team.
Thanks you for reading. And congratulations for those who got choosen.

Slide Pinguino Commandline

Thursday, 15 December 2011



Today test run(16/12/2011) will be held this evening at Mecha workshop,not autonomous lab. And Tonight competition will also be held at mecha workshop,from 8p.m till 11p.m.
Please come weither you have finished your robot or not.
Sorry for the late annoucement.


attention to all participants for robotics workshop :

1) those who feel free on (friday) (16th Disember )(830am-1230pm), you can come
to mechatronics workshop to check your coding. Please bring your own laptop
and download pinguino open software here.

2) 'test run' session to test your robot will be held on the same friday (3pm)
at autonomous lab.
3) the competition will be held on friday (16th Disember)
(8pm) at autonomous lab.

please download the 'example' of coding here..thank you

Thursday, 8 December 2011


assalamualaikum w.b.t...
attention to all participants of robotics workshop :

1) all participants can use mechatronics workshop this friday
(8.30am-12.30pm, 2.30pm-5.00pm) to complete the circuit (optional).

2) next workshop classes will be conducted on :
FRIDAY : 8pm-11pm (compulsary)-[mechatronics workshop]
SATURDAY : 2-5 pm (compulsary)-[MAIN AUDI A]
*please bring along a pc at least one per group, and your
electrical compenents.

Monday, 5 December 2011

extra slideshow to be downloaded,
click on the link provided :

Saturday, 3 December 2011


VENUE: Autonomous Lab (E4 level 2)
DATE: 16th December 2011
TIME: 9am - 2pm

1. Max=Size: 15 x 15 cm
2. Max=Weight: 0.50 kg
3. Max=Height: Unlimited
4. Robot can only use servos. (no other motors)

1. Duration of a match is 3 minutes. (Stoppage time)
2. 2 rounds will be played for each match. If a tie occurs, a tiebreaker round is played.
3. Robot is disqualified for the match if it does not function.
4. The first robot that touches the ground loses the round.
5. A flipped over robot loses the round.
6. A robot may not harm the opponent robot. (Only pushing is allowed)
7. Points given after match (for grouping):
Win – 2 points
Draw – 1 point
Lose – 0 point

Sumo Ring (White): 1m diameter Height: 1 inch

previous workshop session slide show to be downloaded,
click on the link provided :

Thursday, 1 December 2011


For all participants for manual robot competition on last saturday night,
this is the marks for each group.Please click on the image for enlargement.
thank you.Congratulation for all participants.

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