Rules :
1. There will be 2 robots competing at the same time.
2. You are not allowed to harm the opposing team robot.
3. You are not allowed to collect the pingpong ball if the opposing team has arrived first at one of those 3 collection area. You may collect it after the opposing team left.
4. You will be given 5 minutes to complete the entire task.
First task :
1. Complete 1 round without taking any pingpong ball.
2. Your robot must reach the checkpoint line before you can go back to the starting point.
(30 marks)
Second task :
1. Robot must collect the pingpong ball at the collection area.
2. There are 3 collection area.
3. Drop it at the storage unit.
4. Collect as many as you can.
*remarks : - any dropped pingpong won’t be counted as marks and has to start again at the starting point.
- 1 ball (20 marks)
Design scheme :
1. Tyres - (20 marks)
2. Servor – (10 marks each)
3. Gripper – (30marks)
4. Creativity – (30 marks)
Violation : (5 marks will be deducted for each violation)
1. Any parts of your robot are out of the field area.
2. The ball that you are carrying went out of the field area.
3. If you violate any of the rules mentioned above.