Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Test Post


Will be removed once the remodeling of the blog finish.

Saturday, 22 February 2014



Adjustable Wrench
Soldering Iron
Soldering Lead(0.8mm)
Soldering Lead(0.8mm)
Solder Stand
Cable Cutter
Digital Multimeter
Solderless Board
Multihead Screwdriver
Multihead Screwdriver
IC Extractor
Long Nose
Wire Stripper

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Grab Toolbox Now!

"An Engineer without toolbox is like a soldier without a weapon"

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Recruitment Interview

On 6th December 2012, we are going to have an interview session to recruit new members from Robotic Workshop 2.0 for IIUM ROBOTEAM B to compete in ROBOCON 2013. These are the sessions available: 9.30pm-10.00pm and 10.10pm-10.50pm. Venue for the interview is at Robocon Lab E2. Before that participants have to complete and submit the interview form. The form can be downloaded via Robotic Workshop 2.0 Facebook Group. 

These are the things that you have to prepare for the interview:

1.      Read up on the ROBOCON history and watch as many as can video on youtube related to the ROBOCON 2003 - 2012. (Some questions may be ask regarding the task and the competition year)
2.      Familiarize yourself with the ROBOCON 2013 Vietname game rules and regulation and via Youtube. (Point to look up such as robot specification, field dimension, task and etc)
3.      Plan your own “45 SECONDS” strategy. (A strategy to complete the whole task in the ROBOCON 2013 Vietname competition within 45 seconds) The strategy presentation may be in the form of sketch drawing and description caption.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Manual Robot Competition

Game rules and regulations:

1     Games field and objects.
               Height for the wall:  Blue, Red, Orange(3cm), Basket(3.5cm), Black(4cm)

2.       Game procedure and competition tasks.
§  The robot need to be placed at the starting point provided.
§  Each group will be given 1 min for setting time.
§  the task need to be done by each robot is to collect as many ball as possible and put it back into a basket provided.
§  There are nine balls placed on the field. Three ball in each group’s field and the other 3 in the common zone.
§  Red ball carry 15 points, green balls carry 10 points and purple balls carry 20 points.
§  Point will only be given after the robot put the ball into the basket.
§  The game will be stop after 5 min and the winner will be decided based on the total scores obtained in the game.

3.       Restarting point.
§  In the case of mechanical problem, or failing of a task, the robot can be brought back to its starting point to restart.
§  After putting a ball into the basket, each group is allowed to restart at the starting point.

4.       Game duration.
§  Each match lasts 5 minutes at most.
§  In any of the following cases, the match ends immediately (even before 5 minutes).
o   Disqualification is announced in the knockout.
o   When the referee judges that the game cannot continue.

5.       General restriction.
§  Robot is not allowed to causes damages to the field.
§  Robot is not allowed to enter other robot’s starting point.
§  Robot is not allowed to causes damages to the opponent’s robot.

6.       Deciding the winner.
§  The winner will be determined by the total scores obtained in the game after deduction of marks if there any violation acts done during the game.
§  If both group obtained the same score in the game, the winner will be determined by the time record for the first ball being put into the basket.
7.       Violations.
§  The group with 5 violations in a match will be disqualified. Negative scores may appear in some cases.
§  When violation occurs, the group will be deducted 10 points.
The violations are categorized as follows:
o   Any part of the robot cause obstruction or difficulty too the opposing group.
o   Any part of the robot cause damages to the field and objects on it(ball holder, gate)
o   Any part of the robot enter and disturbing in the opponent starting point.

8.       Disqualification.
§  A group will be disqualified if it commits any of the following action:
o   The group fails to obey instructions or warnings issued by the referees.
o   The group has made five violations in the same match.
o   The group intentionally damages of tries to damage the field, facilities, equipment or opponent’s robots.

9.       Robot specification.
§  Each group must prepare its own power sources.
§  Each robot must have base dimension no larger than 15cm length and 15cm width.

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